João Peixe, recently contributed to OneTrust DataGuidance, the largest and most prestigious ...
Desde o passado dia 1 de fevereiro de 2023, que as empresas que empreguem mais de 100 trabalhadores...
A Lei-Quadro do Estatuto de Utilidade Pública, em vigor desde 1 de julho de 2021, veio consolidar,...
A dispatch issued by the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority was disclosed regarding the tax...
Ordinance no. 293/2022, of December 12, was published, amending for the third time the Ordinance on...
A proposta que o PS se prepara para aprovar deixa ao juiz o trabalho de avaliar que normas da lei...
Ministerial Order no. 280/2022, of 18 November, was published, which increases the value of the...
Law 89/2017, of 21 August approved the Legal Regime of the Central Register of Beneficial ...
The Portuguese Labor Code provides that employees with a child under 12 years of age (or with a...